Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 09:41 AM
For Immediate Release
September 14, 2023
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – The Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for South Bruce has been expanded to cover the entire municipality. Now that the CIP is municipal-wide, an additional $15,625 in funding is available to eligible business and property owners in South Bruce.
The CIP adopts a program of financial incentives that encourage the redevelopment and improvement of private lands throughout the Municipality, with an aim to enhance the character of South Bruce.
Posted on Friday, September 08, 2023 12:15 PM
Hydrant Flushing will take place in Mildmay and Teeswater between September 18 and October 6, 2023.
Please note you may experience a slight discolouration of the water. While the water is safe to consume, you may want to run cold water until it runs clear.
Posted on Friday, September 08, 2023 11:15 AM
For Immediate Release
September 8, 2023
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – Experts are confident that a deep geological repository (DGR) could be built to store used nuclear fuel at the South Bruce site in a way that would protect people and the environment from unsafe radiation exposure.
This was the conclusion of engineering consultants from Arcadis, and experts from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), who presented their preliminary radiological safety study to the CLC on September 7. The...
Posted on Friday, September 08, 2023 09:35 AM
For Immediate Release
September 8, 2023
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – The South Bruce community is well aware of the NWMO Project and plans to take part in the 2024 referendum about willingness to host the deep geologic repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel, according to community survey results presented by Deloitte.
Key findings of the survey, conducted July 10th to August 11th, include:
• 97% of survey respondents said they were at least somewhat familiar with the Project and 88% said they will definitely...
Posted on Friday, September 08, 2023 08:44 AM
We have heard from you and want to address some questions in regard to our current South Bruce Brand project. The cost for this project is being paid for through the 2023 Multi-Year Funding Budget for Planning and Capacity building and is not paid for through our tax base. The branding process is necessary so that all businesses within our municipality have equal opportunity for grants and resources. Both branding and façade guidelines are a requirement to be eligible for granting...
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