Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 11:02 AM
Pictured are several participants gathered for refreshments after the cleanup in Teeswater
For Immediate Release
July 22nd, 2021
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – The Municipality of South Bruce’s #NextGenNetwork – a new monthly event geared towards the next generation of South Bruce leaders – held a successful community cleanup in the villages of Mildmay and Teeswater on Wednesday evening, with nearly 30 community members helping to pick up litter across both downtowns.
“It was fantastic to have dozens...
Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 10:33 AM
For Immediate Release
July 21, 2021
SOUTH BRUCE, ON – The Municipality of South Bruce encourages all residents and ratepayers to participate in the consultation process facilitated by GHD on how we determine our community’s willingness to host the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Project.
In light of the easing public health measures in the Province, the Municipality is happy to announce that twelve, one hour in-person workshops will take place on July 28th and 29th in Formosa,...
Posted on Monday, July 19, 2021 01:26 PM
Bruce County Public Library is developing a new Strategic Plan, building on our mission and vision. To effectively map our route, we need to hear from our community – both library users and non-users. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and help us to establish library priorities for the coming years.
Submit a completed survey by August 6, 2021 and be entered into a draw for a new iPad!
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey:
Posted on Friday, July 16, 2021 12:31 PM
For Immediate Release
July 16, 2021
South Bruce COVID-19 Update: Step 3 Roadmap to Reopening Ontario
The Province of Ontario entered Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopening Ontario on July 16, 2021. Step 3 focuses on the resumption of additional indoor services with larger numbers of people and restrictions in place. Public health and workplace safety measures, and Orders under the Reopening Ontario Act still remain in effect. Face coverings in indoor public settings...
Posted on Wednesday, July 07, 2021 01:29 PM
Teeswater Community Calendar - July Edition
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